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Interactive Pre-requisites

Interactive courses offer audience participation in their own copy of Parish Online.

The following steps will make such interaction go much more smoothly!


Access to a Parish Online account:

  • Please would you ensure that you each have access to Parish Online, and can log in with a user  account that has at least 'Editor' rights.  NOTE:  Sessions Basics 101 - 103 do require 'Data Manager' rights.  Those of you who are  parish clerks will probably already have Administrator status, which is ideal (essential if you wish to create or manager Users)

  • (If you do not yet have a licence for Parish Online, a free trial is available at

  • If you do not have a user account yet (or the Administrator account), then please ask your Administrator (usually the Parish Clerk) for one at Data Manager level

  • To check what level user account you have, please log into Parish Online, and click on the cogwheel in the top right hand corner.  A drop-down list of options will appear:

  • If you can see and select Administration, then you have an account at either Administrator or Data Manager level, which is fine - you are good to go

  • If you cannot see and select Administration, then please check the main menu along the top of the Parish Online screen.  If you can see "Create", and then "New Layer", you have Data Manager rights (or higher), and you are good to go

  • If you cannot see a 'Create' (and/or "New Layer" option under it) in the main menu line, then you have a "Reader" or "Editor" account, which does not permit you to add New Layers or Add Features, both of which take place in Basics 102 - 105.  Please ask your Administrator to upgrade you to Data Manager before you attend these sessions


Jumping between windows/tabs:  (These instructions are aimed at PC users with a mouse and keyboard)

  • During the interactive part of the training session, you will be asked to jump between the Zoom session (where you see what needs to be done) and the Parish Online session (where you actually do it).  How you most easily do this depends upon how you access Zoom

  • If you access Zoom via the Zoom app, you will have a minimum of two windows open on your computer during the training session:

    • One for the Zoom app​

    • One for your browser, logged into Parish Online (possibly a Zoom tab also open)

       In this case, to get from one window to the other is most easily done via Alt Tab (see below)​

  • If you access Zoom via your browser, you will have a minimum of one window open (your browser), but with at least two tabs in it:  ​

    • One for the Zoom session (you may have two Zoom tabs open)​

    • One for Parish Online

       In this case, to get from one browser tab to the other is most easily done via Ctrl Nbr                           (Command Nbr for Macs) (see below), though you can simply click on each browser tab with                your mouse​


Using Alt Tab (Command Tab) to jump between windows:


Alt Tab (or Command Tab for Mac users) means holding down the Alt key (Command key) with one finger (eg the left thumb), then whilst still holding the Alt (Command) key down, use another finger (eg the third finger on the left hand) to press the Tab key.  This acts as a toggle:  each time that you press the Tab key, your PC jumps to another window.  If you only have two windows open, you just jump back and forth with Alt Tab


Using Ctrl key to jump between browser tabs:


Tabs open in a browser are numbered 1 - 9, from left to right.  To jump to the first tab, just do Ctrl 1 (Cmd 1) on the keyboard - ie simply hold down the Ctrl key, and press 1.  To jump to the sixth tab, just hit Ctrl 6 (Cmd 6).  This is much faster and easier than with a mouse.



  • For those (lucky/smart) people with dual monitors, it is recommended that you set up your Zoom session on one, and the Parish Online session on the other

  • None of these steps is crucial - ie you will still be able to get all the major points of the training session if you don't join in the interactive bit - but it is hoped that you will get more from the session by being able to try things live on your own system

  • Should anybody get stuck during the interactive part of a session, you are welcome to let the trainer try to sort things out by 'sharing' your screen in Zoom.  For those running two computers - Zoom on one, Parish Online on the other - you will need to also run Zoom on the computer running Parish Online - ie log into the Zoom session twice to be able to share the Parish Online screen.  This is quite acceptable and straightforward, but please be sure to mute the sound and the video on the Parish Online computer, to avoid acoustic feedback

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