+44 (0)7486 575 922


Training is available for every aspect of Parish Online. Sessions are run via Zoom, and cover the following topics:
Basic - for first-time and early users, typically covering:
Introduction to Parish Online​
Using Layers
Adding Layers
Adding Features (incl. attachments)
Printing (to paper or .pdf file)
Asset Register Development - focus on getting your assets plotted online, and your building valuations updated
Advanced - for more experienced souls:
Styling (includes colour-coding)​
National Maps
Public Maps (incl. website publishing)
Geolocation (adding photos via smartphone)
Ad hoc - covering any topic of the booker's choice
Session types - session-types fall into these categories:
Few-to-one - for up to 4 people per trainer (60 minutes) on topic(s) of the user's choice
Run twice daily, at 10 am and 3pm​
(for times outside these, please email: bookings@chagosconsulting.com)
Group - open to all, on fixed topics. These are run at least weekly (ie four topics), with two sessions per topic to give attendees two opportunities to find a slot in their calendars (up to 60 minutes)
Day Training - for more than 20 people, for several hours, covering a set curriculum. Normally arranged by your local Association of Local Councils member, via Parish Online. To book a Day Training session, please email
Training sessions are chargeable - please click here to see fees